Is there a trial session available?

Yes, we offer two trial sessions for all new children. These sessions are available on a ‘pay as you go’ basis, however must be paid for in advance to enable us to ensure our numbers are compliant with safety guidelines. After acceptance of the child’s place in the class payment for the remainder of the term, plus membership to Kingston Gymnastics will need be taken.

Can I stay with my child when s/he starts?

Please be advised that we are allowing parents into the room for the first two trial sessions when the children require extra support.  If your child still hasn't settled by that time we would recommend waiting for next term when they are a bit older to try again.

We suggest to new parents that they encourage their child to do as much as they can from a distance, so that the child understands that their parent’s will only be in the room to begin with and that they should take their instructions from their coach.  If they are fine and settle nicely into the activities then please feel free to leave, as it can be very distracting for the children to have parents in the room. 

Please be rest assured that our team of experienced coaches are used to working with the younger children and have many strategies for engaging them in class so your little ones are in safe hands.

We also hold ‘Watching Week’ once a term for all parents/guardians to come and watch their children in classes.


What should my child wear for their class?

Children can wear a club leotard or their own leotard, club t-shirt (which comes as part of your membership pack), a regular t-shirt, shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms (not covering feet). We request that children do not wear skirts, jeans or clothing with dangling accessories, belts or loops, that may get caught in the apparatus. No shoes or socks are to be worn. Long hair is to be tied back, no jewellery or watches are to be worn and no chewing gum or food or drink is to be consumed in the hall. Gymnasts requiring medical equipment e.g. EpiPen/inhaler etc. should also bring this with them.

Where can my child get changed?

Changing facilities are limited so we recommend coming dressed ready to participate, as much as it is possible. This applies for leaving also. Upon arrival coaches will instruct gymnasts where to leave coats, shoes etc. but we request this is kept to an absolute minimum. Gymnasts will need to take off their outdoor wear without assistance. 

Where can I leave my child’s personal property?

We cannot take any responsibility for any personal property brought to the class. Please leave children’s coats and shoes neatly in the designated area and take any rubbish home with you. In the unusual event that a loss occurs it should be reported to the Head Coach immediately. Lost property is collected at the end of the day and stored for one term only.

Is there water available?

We advise your child to bring a refillable bottle; although we request that no food or drink is consumed in the hall. Refillable ‘Kingston Gymnastics’ bottles are available for purchase.

Where can I park?

There is plenty of parking available in the car park at Tiffin Girls’ in front of the school and in the side roads surrounding the school. Please be aware that we accept no responsibility for any car parked here.

Where should my child wait before the class starts?

We recommend you arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of your child’s class. Please wait with your child in the corridor of the sports centre until they are called in by the lead coach for registration. Please encourage your child to go to the toilet before the class begins. Can we also take this opportunity to remind parents that all children must be potty trained to participate.

What should I do if have a query at the beginning or end of the session?

If possible, please communicate these via email on: to avoid congestion at drop off and collection.  If your concern is urgent please wait until an appropriate time to speak to the head coach.

Can I take photos of my child participating in the class?

Sadly no cameras/phones/videos are permitted to be taken in the gym or through the windows. We will endeavour to have occasional ‘photo’ sessions and parents will be advised of these in advance. However, with your consent we may take photos of your children during classes or at small club events to promote the club on our website, club social media accounts and in communications. All film and photos of children will be published in line with our safeguarding policy. 

Are you able to stream sessions or have viewing weeks?

We hold ‘Watching Week’ once a term for all parents/guardians to come and watch their children in classes. We will aim to photograph elements of sessions and post them on our social media platforms (with parental consent).  Instagram: @kingstongymnasticsclub, Facebook: @KingstonGymnastics1, Twitter: @kingstongym.  We will give your child feedback on their progress regularly and will still encourage gymnasts to work towards their award badges termly.

Our Governing Body, British Gymnastics advises against streaming sessions due to child protection and welfare.

How are the gymnasts grouped within classes?

Gymnasts are grouped by age and ability.  Once gymnasts have been attending for a while we aim to group together children who are working towards the same badge and who are therefore roughly the same ability.  This allows the coaches to ensure that they are setting tasks that are appropriate for the gymnasts, while still offering a suitable challenge.  There are some exceptions and gymnasts can move between groups termly as the coaches see fit.

How does the badge system work?

Our badge scheme in an in-house award system to help gauge and monitor progress and allow the gymnasts to celebrate successes.  Each badge has a set number of criteria that ranges across all of the gymnastics apparatus.  They are designed to test all areas of the gymnast's skill set and prepare them for the more difficult skills which they will subsequently learn.  The coaches will spend one week practicing with your children and then the following week confirming whether they are able to complete the skills required to meet the criteria. Our scheme starts at badge 7 and proceeds in descending order to 1, followed by Bronze, Silver and then Gold being the most difficult (to mimic the positions on a competition podium). 

Please be aware that some children, despite their best efforts, will still have a couple more things to practice before meeting all of the criteria each term.  This is because as the badges go on, they get distinctively more difficult and often require more practice time.  However, if your child has successfully met all of the criteria they will be awarded their badge and their certificate which can be purchased for £3.50. 

Are there any additional holiday camps or workshops my child can participate in?

Yes, we aim to run at least one holiday camp and workshop per year and these are based on demand and are booked on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. Further information including costs, dates and timings regarding these will be advertised to parents via email, will be advertised on the website and all social media platforms.

What should I do if I have additional questions or a complaint?

Please speak to the head coach at the beginning or the end of the class. Please do not interrupt the class, where possible. You can also contact Kingston gymnastics via email or on the phone.


When are fees due?

All fees are requested in advance for the term. Failure to pay fees will result in your child’s place being offered to someone else. You may also incur a late payment fee of £5.

Do all children have to purchase a Kingston Gymnastics membership?

Yes, your membership package will include annual membership to Kingston Gymnastics. It is a one-off payment at the beginning of the each academic year, or once you have successfully completed the trial period. Our membership fee includes affiliation to British gymnastics, various discounts, opportunities and goodies from British Gymnastics, all insurances, and a club t-shirt. As our club is affiliated to British Gymnastics all children must purchase membership annually in order to participate in our classes. Sadly without it, children can not join in.

How can I find out the term dates?

These are under the ‘term dates’ section of our website, are emailed to all parents regularly and are available on our club notice board.


What happens if we want to leave Kingston Gymnastics?

We understand that circumstances change. If you are not returning, please inform us ASAP. We request a half terms paid notice if your child is going to leave, as this helps us manage our waiting lists.

What happens if a class is cancelled?

We will endeavour to run classes every single Saturday during term times (see term times dates for more information), however, in the event of rare/unforeseen circumstances (including but not limited; local lockdowns, to severe weather conditions, flooding, problems with the building etc.), we may have to cancel a session, and we regret we will not be able to offer a refund for that class. If a lesson has to be cancelled at the last minute, Kingston Gymnastics will email parents and put the information on all social media platforms. If the cancellation is due to Kingston Gymnastics an alternative session date will be offered.

What happens if my child is unwell and misses a class?

Please send us an email to keep us informed if your child is unwell or is not able to attend. If your child has had sickness and diarrhoea in the past 48 hours please don't bring your child to their class, to help us prevent spreading infection. We regret that we will not be able to offer a refund for that class, but wish your child a speedy recovery.

What happens if my child is unable to participate longer term due to illness or injury?

These cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis and refunds for the remainder of the term will be granted if appropriate and if recommended by a medical professional. This may result in your child having to re-join the waiting list.